By Visit Ventura

Posted: Monday, May 20th, 2019

Updated: Tuesday, Dec 3rd, 2024

What Makes Ventura Unique?

by Visit Ventura

Nine Venturans (well, just three for now — more to come!) weigh in on what makes Ventura so very special…

When Pierre Gervois, editor-in-chief of Gervais Magazine, came to Ventura last May, he had a simple idea. Interview Venturans about what makes Ventura unique and ask them what they love about their town. Have a listen (maybe experience a goosebump) and see if you feel the same way…

Stephanie Hogue is the co-owner of Latitudes Fine Art Gallery.

Stephanie and partner Steve Munch are (deservedly) known for their stunning photos of Ventura (and beyond).

Passionate and charismatic, Elena Brokaw is the Executive Director of the Museum of Ventura County.

She’s not just the Keeper of Ventura County’s history, but the Carer.

Ken McAlpine has written numerous books, including “Islands Apart: A Year on the Edge of Civilization”, which features our very own Channel Islands.

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