Posted: Monday, Jun 3rd, 2019
Updated: Wednesday, Aug 11th, 2021
What Makes Ventura Unique? Part 2
by Visit Ventura
When Pierre Gervois, editor-in-chief of Gervois Magazine, came to Ventura last May, he had a simple idea. Interview Venturans about what makes Ventura unique and ask them what they love about their town. Have a listen (maybe experience a goosebump) and see if you feel the same way… (and for more videos click here)Crazily creative, Tina Thayer is the co-owner of Paradise Pantry, along with Chef Kelly Briglio.
Comedian, restaurateur, and Renaissance Man, Andres Fernandez owns the Copa Cubana Restaurant and a flair for life.
Robert Porras, Veteran, Ventura Uber driver, and Good Samaritan (watch the video to learn why)
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