By Visit Ventura

Posted: Monday, Oct 25th, 2021

A Lesson in the Ventura Skies

Rainbows and lightning. Of late, the Ventura skies have put on a show. When it comes to display, no one takes a front seat to Mother Nature.

When lightning forked and thunder rumbled a few weeks ago, Venturans ran outside to marvel because, well, outside is what we do. From our porch stoops, to high-in-the-hills views from Grant Park, to wide-horizon beach panoramas, we watched as the clouds assumed life and fierce light performed jagged stitchings in the sky.

A Lesson in the Ventura Skies

It made your heart race. It made you shout out.

Maybe it was the electricity. Maybe it was the unfathomable power. Maybe it was the instinctual knowledge that some things are so very far beyond us.

The dark roiling clouds. The streaking light. It made you feel small. It made you feel large.

A Lesson in the Ventura Skies

Then, like quiet punctuation, four days later came the rainbows. Some were soft glazings, painted loosely on downy clouds. Some were punctuated with glorious certainty, colors so concise and bold they almost made you flinch. Rainbows in, well, every spectrum of the rainbow. The lot of them reflected in puddles, as if seeing them in the sky wasn’t enough. Or perhaps thousands of mirrors. Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful of all?

A Lesson in the Ventura Skies

Impossible to say.

And maybe that’s the glorious point. Lightning and rainbows, they are ephemeral. Here and gone. Ventura’s recent lightning and rainbows, they were preceded in the skies by prior glories. They will be followed by equally breath-stealing descendants. Each will flare across the sky, and then be gone.

A Lesson in the Ventura Skies

It is their moment.

You see the metaphor.

Maybe that’s part of the reason our hearts race when color and light grace Ventura’s skies.

Our own moment in time is brief, but it is ours.

Seize the skies.

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