By Visit Ventura

Posted: Thursday, Aug 13th, 2020

Updated: Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 2024

Ventura Salutes Our Frisbee Hall of Famer

Ventura’s Chipper Bro Bell is now a Frisbee Hall of Famer. But he’s always defined Ventura’s spirit

Ventura Salutes Our Frisbee Hall of Famer
Image by Scott Starr

Chipper Bro Bell has always been a Ventura Hall of Famer. Now we’re proud to say he’s also in the Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame.

Some folks actually do change the light in a room. Or along a Ventura beach. Or in the hearts of the folks they encounter.

Here’s what the Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame (FDHOF) has to say about recently inducted Hall of Famer, Ventura’s own Chipper Bro Bell …

“For the record, Chipper Bro’s Stoke-O-Meter dial goes to 11. He is, without a doubt, THE quintessential Freestyler of all time. His influence on the next generation of players is profound. And there is something absolutely pure about his game. His form is perfect, his execution on-point and his passion for play knows no bounds. All in all, he is a complete joy to watch.”

Truth is, this summation could just as easily be applied to Chipper Bro’s life. Stokesperson for Ventura, founder and host of the (aptly named) Aloha Beach Festival, Surfrider Foundation activist, feverish Best Day Foundation supporter, Patagonia emissary, quaffer of all things Ventura craft beer, lover of sunrises and sunsets, Chipper Bro may be the living embodiment of Buddha on amphetamines.

With maybe a touch of Forrest Gump thrown in (yes, he may have been the first person to skateboard on the Great Wall of China; yes, he has toured with Cheap Trick, Santana, the Beach Boys and Stevie Ray Vaughn; yes, he was on Entertainment Tonight). And yes, he does have (somewhat) quieter moments, in which he plays his most treasured role — loving husband and father.

When Chipper Bro was inducted into the Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame, the accolades rolled in. Suffice to say, they were as eclectic as the nominee…

Unbelievably talented player and performer. One of a kind. Chipper blew my mind over and over again. Legover body roll into under leg roll out into spinning barrel? Left handed digitronic? Double spinning Oliver? He could get into a spontaneous hein zone like few players I’ve ever seen…

He’s Gumby dammit…

Chip made these gitis feeds look like they weren’t gitis feeds….until you put the goob-makes-gitis-hein brain in check…

Chipper is one of the most loving and beautiful spirits I have had the privilege to spend time with on this journey…

Not only an outstanding player but an outstanding human being…

Chipper Bro is a Top 5 Human Being …

Pay special attention to those last few, because, while athletes come and go, fine human beings make this world a better place.

So from your hometown town of Ventura, heartfelt congratulations Chipper Bro, for your induction into the Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame.

Ventura Salutes Our Frisbee Hall of Famer
Image by Scott Starr

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