Posted: Tuesday, Oct 19th, 2021
Updated: Monday, Feb 7th, 2022
Ventura Kindness Cards. Pass Them On.
Here you have a Kindness Card. Visit Ventura created them to acknowledge the loveliness — and power — of kindness. So when someone gives you one, know that the giving has a simple aim.
To pass kindness on and on and on.

Why? Pretty self-explanatory. Though it should be noted that perhaps kindness matters more now than ever. Something that brings us together.
Kindness, in its myriad forms, is a simple, but game-changing, thing. A kind word. An unexpected smile. An out-of-the-blue-card.
“Be kind whenever possible,” the Dalai Lama once said. “It is always possible.”
So pick up some Kindness Cards at the Ventura Visitor Bureau (101 South California Street). Let’s start you out with five, though if you want more, just stop back in; it gives us the chance to say thanks to a model of kindness. Kindness Card in hand, simply give it to someone who means something to you. Likely someone who already has a track record of kindness. Someone who gave you great service. Someone who inspires you. Someone who simply makes you smile.
Your turn to make them smile.

Because everyone needs a boost.
Kindness is a quiet thing. In a loud world, quiet things are sometimes overlooked. But we all know the quiet power of kindness. Think back to the last time someone did something kind for you.
Kindness can change a day, a life, a world. Each equally magnificent.
“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people,” said Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Who better to pass kindness through this world than Venturans? We know kindness. Kindness has seen us through some hard times. It could be argued that maybe Venturans aren’t so caught up in the loud. We know how to move a little more slowly, to see what’s important and what isn’t.
So take a quiet moment and think of someone who means something to you. Maybe someone who could use a boost. A little jolt of humanity. A warm buzz of belief.
Hand them this card and a smile.

We all know kindness when we see it, and we all know the world is a better place when we see it a lot more often.
Thank you for kindly passing kindness on.
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