Posted: Wednesday, Jul 15th, 2020
Updated: Friday, Nov 12th, 2021
Ventura Cares. And The Invincible Power of We.
by Visit Ventura
It’s not really complicated. It might even be reduced to a single word. Caring. Tough/honest love first. These are chaotic and, yes, frightening times, here in Ventura and everywhere we look. Things begin to look brighter, then they go dark again. So much sobering news amidst a very jagged recovery. Because recover we will. But, shadow again, no one can give us the time frame. Making this precisely the time for all of us to rise collectively to meet the moment. Our country — and our town — has done it before. Collectively we can do astonishing things. Our country has defeated terrible dictators. Our town has risen from the devastation of fire. What we couldn’t possibly do alone, we have accomplished together. Here at Visit Ventura, promoting tourism was once our primary aim — and, eventually, it will become our primary aim again. But in this moment, our efforts have turned to a far more important aim. In these COVID-19 times, we want to ensure the safety of everyone. In some instances, it is, quite literally, a matter of life and death. None of us can stand to the side. Ensuring safe, responsible behavior is a shared responsibility between Ventura visitors, Ventura residents, and Ventura business owners. More than that. Anyone and everyone here. With responsibility in mind, Visit California, the organization that oversees tourism for our state, has come up with a responsible travel code. Based on the noble concept of Respect (and spelling it out from there), it is short, thoughtful — and worth reading. It too asks for a collective effort. And none of us are being asked for much. At this point, we are all aware of the three things we are being asked to do in the face of a global pandemic. Stay apart from each other. Wash our hands frequently. Wear a mask in common and public indoor spaces, and outdoors when distancing is not possible. These things, they are simple. And they ask very little. Maybe some mild inconvenience and discomfort. Some forgoing of individual rights. And not forever. Only until it is done. Instead of criticism and complaint, caring and compassion. Instead of shouting, small sacrifice. Instead of me, we. In this fight, we all win when we think of others. Be kind. Be understanding. Be cooperative. Be selfless. Be as big as we can be. Maybe hear your mother’s voice in your head. Or whoever it was you listened to as a child, when things were simple. Because, in the most important sense, they are childishly simple. Together we win. Divided … Someone once said that the simple act of caring is heroic. Working together, heroes can defeat anything. Thank you for being heroic. Thank you all for caring about us all.Discover More
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