Posted: Monday, Apr 6th, 2020
Updated: Wednesday, Aug 11th, 2021
How You Can Save Lives with (Easy) Physical Separation
by Visit Ventura
So many facts, so many models, so much math. Here’s the math we need to know. Add up physical separation practiced in the right ways, and thousands will be saved. Even now, with Ventura’s beaches and parks currently closed, we are still out and about for the necessities — from shopping for groceries to a walk around the neighborhood with our four-legged friends. And yes — important note, and critical to everyone’s health — our parks and beaches remain closed on Easter. We know this is hard for so many who love to celebrate Easter outside, but the hard truth is, without separation, those grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and other loving members of our clan risk not being with us next Easter. So celebrate a virtual Easter with chat groups, let the kids hunt for Easter eggs at your home, and hug those staying at home with you tight. And look toward next Easter. How to easily keep a safe distance apart and have an enormously positive effect? Use common sense — and maybe a little playful imagination…- Keep six feet of personal space everywhere you go. Granted, this takes conscious thought. Maybe think of everyone around you as that relative you always tried to avoid at family gatherings.
- It might be hardest to keep ourselves separate outside, where old habits are hard to shake. If you’re the sort who is inclined to charge over and ruffle someone’s else’s irresistible furry friend, well, resist. Six feet is six feet. Adorable dogs don’t absolve this.
- Out walking the neighborhood with your family? Please don’t walk as a scrum. If someone is approaching, spread out single file. Rugby will have its time again.
- Waiting for takeout (thank you for supporting our local restaurants) and tempted to sit on that empty bench? The coronavirus can live for several days on any number of surfaces — benches included.
- For the same reason, avoid playgrounds. Wise folks, including our city, have closed most playgrounds, but there is still the errant swing set or pull up bar here and there. If you have children (or if you act like a child — which is okay, except in this instance), please don’t let them have a swing. Hands preceded them, possibly little hands. “We haven’t addressed the unintuitive aspects of where hands go,” an expert recently said. Any preschool teacher could illuminate them.
- Some folks are still practicing “social monogamy” — getting together with just one set of trusted friends. Nope. That’s pretty much the equivalent of deciding on just one dinner guest, then inviting Hannibal Lecter. Having just one friend over creates a whole new spider web of links for transmission. Experts estimate that, in the space of a month, one infected person leads to about 400 additional cases. Precisely why the wise and caring are socializing online with video chats like FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts or Skype, and keeping the guacamole to themselves.
- Please avoid the ridiculous. Group sports. Playdates for kids. Sleepovers for kids. College kids at home, going out to visit their friends. Riding in a car with anyone outside of the people you live with. Tag team wrestling. One of these sound over the top? Sorry, people have done them all.

And remember. All of us, each doing our part, will see us beat this. Because we have never been knocked down for good…
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