By Visit Ventura

Posted: Wednesday, Mar 1st, 2017

Updated: Wednesday, Aug 11th, 2021

Get your dose of ghost hunting in April

by Richard Senate

The Ghosts of Cemetery Park

This tour of Ventura’s old burying grounds will outline the unique history of this site and the many pioneers who rest here. they include the early movers and shakers who established Ventura long ago. Established in 1866 the Memorial Park was really three cemeteries to meet the many diverse people of old Ventura. the talk will also focus on the many military burials there, most from the Civil War and a true hero, a cavalryman who earned the highest honor the United States can bestow–The Congressional Medal of Honor for actions fighting in the southwest. The Tour will also include many stories of ghosts and paranormal happenings linked to the old cemetery. This is a unique tour of a very special place with a supernatural flair. April 1st (all Fools Day) 9-11PM Ventura Memorial Park Tour #8091

Mysteries and hauntings of the historic Olivas Adobe

The old 1847 two-story hacienda is now a museum but it was built as the main house (Casa Grande) for the Rancho San Miguel, one of the richest in Ventura County. It was the social center of the Santa Clara River Valley where parties could last for a week. But legends say that many accounts of the ranch were unrecorded–tales of a lost tunnel, strange burial sites, and a hidden treasure of gold coins! Ghosts are seen here as well, a phantom lady, a ghostly girl, even a gray-robed monk. The most recently seen specter, a phantom woman dress in a long white dress, cut in the style of the late 19th Century. Could it be the unhappy shade of a bride left at the altar? The tour will attempt to answer these riddles and much more in a night that will not be forgotten. Tour led by author Richard Senate, a recognized authority on the paranormal. April 14 9-11PM Olivas Adobe Tour #8092

Ghostly investigation of the three-room Ortega Adobe

Look into the long history of the building and its links to the Ortega Chili Company (established here in 1897). This unique tour is a combination ghost hunt and historic tour to see if new information can be gathered at this little-known site. Reports of a phantom woman, spectral guitar music, and a Chinese spirit have been reported. Rumors say the house is linked to the bandit Antonio Espinosa who was captured here, given a quick trial and sentenced to death by hanging. Sr. Espinosa did admit to gunning down three men in a botched robbery in San Juan Capistrano. Does he haunt here? As they say in Spanish Quen Sabe? Who Knows? April 22 7-9PM Ortega Adobe Tour #8093

The X-rated Ghosts of Old Ventura

Once Ventura was a wild cowtown and the board streets were filled with ladies of the night, plying their trade with the local cowboys. This Adult Tour will discuss the brothels and hookers of old Ventura and the places they haunt. Some are still said to echo the phantoms of long ago. Ghosts like “Red” Molly, and Maggy Sullivan made Ventura a wild place in the 19th Century. Bring your camera because the phantom ladies are not shy and people on the tour have managed to take some interesting photographs on this tour. DUE TO THE ADULT THEME OF THIS TOUR—NO ONE UNDER 18 will be permitted. No reservations are needed. Special Tour for this night only. Dress warmly and take along a good camera. Ghost app “Classic ghost Radar” is recommended. April 28 7-9PM Banks of Books For tickets call 805-658-4726 during business hours. Photo credit: Michelle Evans

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