Posted: Wednesday, Jan 18th, 2023
Your Chance to Get Involved: See You at the Beach!
When you look around town, the grass is greener, the flowers are beginning to bloom, and creeks that were once dry now run with water — it somehow feels as though Mother Earth has awoken from a deep slumber. The rain from the past series of storms this winter has been vital in fighting back our extreme drought.
But we can’t deny that the impact of the storms has changed our shores and brought about a mod podge collection of debris onto our beach. As a certified, bonafide, proud beach town, there’s nothing more that Venturans care about: our beaches and wildlife.
Consider this a kind and inspirational call to action: now is the time to gather together to maintain the beauty of our beaches and volunteer to clean up.
So grab a trash bag, get ready to get your hands dirty, and bring a determined heart to make our beaches shine bright once again. Ventura, we can do this!
Spruce Up (around) the Pier with Pier Into the Future
Sat, January 21 @ 8:30 AM

Help clean the area of the pier that is open (near Harbor Blvd.) and clear trash washed up from the storms. Meet at the granite panels near Harbor Blvd at 8:30 AM. Find more information here
Ventura Promenade – “C”-Street Beach Clean Up with Surfrider Foundation

An iconic stretch of our beach needs your help! Meet on the promenade at the end of California Street, in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel to pick up trash and litter. Sign up here.
Upcoming Opportunities:
Sat, Jan 28
9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Sat, Feb 25
9:00 AM-11:00 AM PST
Rincon Parkway Beach Clean Up with Surfrider Foundation

14 miles of beautiful coastline between Rincon Beach and Emma Wood State Beach need your help to throw away trash and litter. Bring your own water and wear sturdy sandals (no bare feet!). Sign up here to find out the exact site location.
Upcoming Opportunities
Sat, Feb 11
8:30 AM-10:30 AM PST
Sat, Mar 11
8:30 AM-10:30 AM PST
Marina Park Beach Cleanup with Ventura Suburban Kiwanis Club
Sat, March 11 @ 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Marina Park needs your help to help remove litter and clean up one of our busy local beaches! Check-in is near the restrooms and sailing center. All adult participants and parents, and guardians of minors must sign a City of Ventura Release Agreement. Check with Kiwanis Club for additional waiver on-site. Register here.
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