Posted: Thursday, Jul 9th, 2020
Updated: Monday, Apr 11th, 2022
Mask Magic
No, it is not magical to have a mask over your face. No one likes it. But here’s the magic, and, though you just may have heard it before, it bears repeating because, simply put, lives depend on it. Wearing a mask helps reduce the spread of coronavirus. Precisely why California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a state-wide mandate requiring face coverings in all public indoor spaces and outdoors when distancing is not possible.
But, while a mandate, it is also simply a heartfelt request, based on the latest science, asking us to do what is best for everyone.
Yes, there is still a great deal we don’t know about the virus. But there is also a consistent set of examples, from around the world, about how to reduce the number of new coronavirus cases sharply. You should minimize your time in indoor spaces with multiple people. You should move as many activities as possible outdoors (and what better place than Ventura?). You should wash your hands frequently. You should stay home, away from even your own family members, if you feel sick.
And you should wear a mask if you are going to be near anybody who is not part of your household.
That’s a fair share of “shoulds.”
Maybe they could all be boiled down to one.
We should care about each other.
And life shouldn’t be all about decrees. So, with that in mind, we’re also giving away masks (that’s right, plural) branded with our unique Ambigram logo. Just sign up for a chance to win below.
And thank you for wearing a mask; one you bought, one you made, or — it’s fun to be optimistic – one you’re about to win.
We are, all of us, being asked to adapt. To embrace selflessness, kindness and understanding.
To set aside I for we.
There is magic in that too.

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