By Visit Ventura

Posted: Thursday, Oct 3rd, 2019

Updated: Wednesday, Aug 11th, 2021

“Made In” Ventura: Behind the Logo

by Visit Ventura

Special stories of special people.

Just like Ventura, it’s understated. You’ll find it (understatedly) displayed on products ranging from handmade handbags (MidiQueen Handbags), to innovative natural skincare products (Reves de Sabine), to gluten-free organic beer (Leashless Brewing). It’s Ventura’s “Made In” logo, and it means you’ve purchased (or are perhaps quaffing) a piece of the happy jigsaw puzzle that defines community. At face value, Visit Ventura’s “Made In” logo identifies distinctive products that are made here. But face value is just that.

There’s always a story behind a story…

Take MidiQueen Handbags.

How local are Kristina Clark’s custom handbags? Every handbag is designed by Clark. She does it all, then has the assembly done by local craftsmen and seamstresses, then names the final product after family and friends.

Or Reves de Sabine (translates, with good reason, to “Sabine’s dreams”).

Sabine Dodane is first and foremost an artist. But she also possesses the meticulousness of an engineer. Dozens-fold little touches — crafting products only in small batches, using nothing synthetic, avoiding unnecessary packaging — that make a difference in her products, and in our world. reves de sabine visit ventura made in promotion

Or Leashless Brewery.

Yes, Leashless Brewery is a certified organic brewery (all their ingredients are free of GMOs, inorganic fertilizers, and pesticides). But you probably wouldn’t know that they give their brewery waste to local farmers who use it to make organic fertilizer. leashless brewery visit ventura made in promotion Honestly, that’s the way Ventura is. Good things under the radar. “Made In” Ventura is not a sales pitch. It really is about a community trying to be the best it can be. Which makes for a very special place.

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