Posted: Friday, Apr 24th, 2020
Updated: Monday, Aug 1st, 2022
Good Things are Happening in Ventura (Part 3 of Many)
by Visit Ventura
COVID-19 is changing everyone’s lives. But this is not the first time the lives of Venturans have been thrown off kilter. Let’s be honest. Yes, it’s scary and uncertain. But Ventura knows what to do. And we are not alone. Across the country, so many communities are defining the word community in all the right ways. Grocery clerks are stocking shelves through the night and the stores are letting the elderly shop first. Restaurants and schools are using their kitchens and staff to feed kids. NBA players are writing checks to pay arena staff. Private companies have turned their production lines to making ventilators. We can all draw inspiration — and a sense of humor (like this sidewalk chalk inscription; It’s okay if you ate all ur snacks) — from the good and creative acts of so many. Here’s another look at how Venturans are rising up and doing what Ventura’s Ashley Pope puts with goose-pimpling simplicity. “We are never alone because we’re in Ventura.”
Rincon Brewery (in Ventura and Carpinteria) is partnering with World Central Kitchen and their #chefsforamerica program to take care of local 805 First Responders in Ventura County and Santa Barbara County and health care workers in Ventura. Rincon Brewery’s Chef Steve Stroh is making delicious meals, delivered daily by a small hard-hustling crew. Again, giving for a simple reason. “Rincon Brewery is grateful for those on the front lines of this Covid 19 pandemic,” says Luisa Hyatt, co-owner of Ventura’s Rincon Brewery. Luisa often delivers the meals with her son, Colin. A win-win. Says Luisa; “I love the time with him, and that he’s home and able to be a part of making a difference in his community.”
World Central Kitchen — such a powerful player during the Thomas Fire (and globally) — got a deserved call out from an inspired fan for their kind cooking and delivering during these times. Thanks for recognizing — and doing — a good thing, Leonardo DiCaprio.
In the face of this crisis, orgs like @WCKitchen & @FeedingAmerica have inspired us all with their unwavering commitment to feed the most vulnerable people in need. Today, we launched #AmericasFoodFund to support @FeedingAmerica & @WCKitchen's efforts:
— Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) April 2, 2020
With the substantial risks they are taking always in their minds, some local doctors, nurses and other frontline healthcare workers have turned to living in RVs to protect their families. Seeing a need for more RVs, the ever-kindly-thinking Amy Towner (CEO of Health Care Foundation for Ventura County) reached out to Jeff Sukay (President of the Kirby Auto Group). Her request was simple. Could he provide more temporary housing for doctors and nurses? Jeff Sukay donated a fleet of RVs. The RVs were provided by Barber RV (part of the Kirby Auto Group). Main Street Meats & Real Foods Market recently donated 300 turkey breasts — among other items — to local food pantries.

If you like, you can help too … Local food pantries need fresh fruit. If you have a fruit tree in your yard, why not donate fruit? And, an easy way to help yourself. All you need is a bandana, handkerchief or a piece of cloth — and a few hair ties… And, if you see — or know of — something Good that makes you grateful, feel free to post it on our virtual Gratitude Wall. Post your words, your video, your photos — your shout out of thanks to those doing beautiful, kind, selfless and caring things during these difficult times. And, when this is past, our Gratitude Wall will be something special, preserved forever. A reminder that the best of humanity always surrounds us. #stayventurastrongView this post on Instagram
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