Posted: Thursday, Apr 11th, 2019
Updated: Tuesday, Dec 3rd, 2024
Recognition of Ventura’s Volunteers
by Visit Ventura
We LOVE our Volunteers!
So yes, as you can see, we celebrated Visit Ventura’s incredible team of volunteers on Wednesday, April 10th at a soiree at the beautifully remodeled Ventura Beach Marriott (thank you, kind Marriott staff). And yes, our volunteers deserved every inch of the accolades bestowed on them that evening. Why? Because when it comes to our 17 volunteers, you’ll find a smaller talent pool on American Idol. If you’re interested in volunteering alongside this great group please contact Michele Foster.Their calling cards include pilot, artist, a former Rolling Stone columnist, a naturalist, and a college professor.
Our volunteers do everything you might imagine — answering phones, answering questions (some questions, impossible to imagine), ringing up sales– and plenty you can’t. They are a treasure trove of all things Ventura. Some have lived here all their lives. Some of their families go back several generations. Their knowledge is extraordinary. Outdone by only their willingness to help. With anything. There’s a volunteer who comes in once a month just to dust and catch up on gossip. (No, she doesn’t make house calls).
As Marylss Auster, our President & CEO, diplomatically puts it, “We kind of have all these weird chimes go off when the different volunteers come in.”And we are oh-so-grateful for every day and every volunteer. Between them, they’ve given us over 75 years of volunteering.
Marlyss can only shake her head. “Seventy-five years. That’s amazing. We couldn’t do it without them. They lay out that Ventura welcome mat, that special Ventura vibe.”Michele Foster, now our full-time Office Administrator, first came to the Visitors Center as a volunteer. She was wise enough to know what she had found.
“I found a sort of family,” smiles Michele. “And the heart of that was the volunteers.”

How can you put a proper thank you to that?
We also need volunteers for this special community event! Amgen is coming into town.For more great stories, request our FREE inspiration guide right to your door!
Check out upcoming events!
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Visit Ventura Celebrates Our Wholly Unique Volunteers
We need volunteers for this special community event
Pilots and Artists and Fourth Generation Venturans, Oh My!
We LOVE our Visit Ventura Volunteers
This is what volunteering at Channel Islands National Park looks like.
Thank you for helping us make Ventura magic!
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