Mini X-Games: Shred with Good Lion Hospitality at Bank of Italy

Calling all adrenaline junkies and cocktail connoisseurs! We're hosting the Mini X-Games, a weekend of gnarly fun at Bank of Italy!

Here's how to join the games with us:
1. Order our X-Games themed cocktail (The Jaguar Moon with blanco tequila, manzanilla, green pepper, cucumber, lime, pineapple, soda and branded ice) for a chance to show off your skills and capture the ultimate trick shot on our teck deck.

2. Post a pic/vid on social media tagging us to enter our teck deck contest for a chance to win gift cards and merch from our venues! One lucky winner will grab the Gold Prize, with Silver & Bronze prizes for runners-up.

The party doesn't stop there! Join us Sunday between the venues for an epic parklet party where we will draw our winners. Don't miss out! The games begin Thursday!


Jun 27, 2024 to Jun 30, 2024 04:00 pm - 12:00 am


394 E Main St STe a
Ventura CA, 93001



Get Inspired Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 7.47.12 AM

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