Good Tidings Market

It’s a double header this year! Join us at our Good Tidings Market on 12/2 ~ co-hosted by the finest, Topa Topa Brewing Co.!
We’ll have over 50 • L O C A L • makers & merchants joining us at the Topa Topa Brewing Co. Colt St. headquarters along with delicious bites & bevs, DJ’s & live music + fun activities for all ages to enjoy. Stay tuned for all the goodness to come and swipe through for a peek at who will be with us. Family friendly & pet friendly as always ✺
Happening Saturday, December 2nd • 12-5pm
Dec 2, 2023 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Topa Topa Brewing Co. HQ
4880 Colt St. Ventura
Ventura CA, 93003
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