Blue hawaii

Movies by the Sea
Movie begins at dusk

After being discharged from the U.S. Army, cool guy Chadwick Gates (Elvis Presley) returns home to Hawaii. Following several years of strict military life, Gates wants nothing more than to hang loose and surf all day. His family pressures him to work for the family pineapple business. Much to the chagrin of his snobby mother (Angela Lansbury), Gates lands a job as a tour guide at the same company where his girlfriend, Maile (Joan Blackman), also works.
Release date: November 22, 1961 (USA)
Director: Norman Taurog


Jun 24, 2023 08:00 pm - 11:00 pm


1867 SpinnakerDr
Ventura, 93001



Get Inspired Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 7.47.12 AM

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