Working Artists Ventura WAV
WAV is a wholly-new kind of community, an arts eco-village. Powered by the sun, built from recycled and sustainable materials, and designed to use a fraction of the water consumed in conventional buildings. WAV is the greenest community ever built in Ventura, and the first sustainable arts community in the world.
And yet, the WAV project is not only an ecologically conscious building set up to support the needs of its artists but also an ongoing development of community and relationships.
The innovative housing project, combining 50 permanently affordable rental units for artists, 15,000 square feet of transitional living space and 12 market rate condominiums, strives to bring together community members from different socio-economic backgrounds in a creative and collaborative environment. The City of Ventura has worked with P.L.A.C.E., Inc, People Linking Artists, Community and Environment, a nonprofit organization based in Minnesota. P.L.A.C.E. has developed the live/work project to provide permanently affordable housing for the community’s growing population of artists.
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