The Inkspots of San Buenaventura
Artists in inkspots are Christina Altfeld, Margarita Cantu, Beverly Decker, Virginia Furmanski, Judy Gibbs, Bay Hallowell, Tiger Huang, Most, Colleen M. Kelly, Veronica Walmsley Lambert, Sandra McCullough, Inés Monguió and Leslie Plimpton.
It is the mission of the inkspots to establish a collaborative workshop environment in order to explore printmaking. We seek to create and develop unique images and foster community involvement.
Gallery Hours: Saturdays, 1:00—4:00 p.m. November 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30; and by appointment.
There will be different printmaking demos each Saturday including collagraphs, screenprinting, monoprinting, etching printing and photopolymer printing.
643 Ventura Ave.
Ventura, CA 93001
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