Mugu Rock Overlook

Part of Mugu State Park.
Habitat: Ocean backed by cliffs, salt marsh.
Location: From Hwy 101, exit Las Posas Road. Drive south to Hwy 1 (PCH). Turn left onto PCH and drive past Navy Base. Lagoon overlook is on right side of road approx. 1 mile. Additional stops between overlook and firing range to scan wetlands recommended. Mugu Rock overlook on right side of PCH immediately after road cut through cliff – 1/2 mile south of lagoon. Park along cliff edge between Mugu Rock and smaller rock to the left. Best lighting conditions during early morning before sun is in south and wind and waves pick up. Peak migration in mid-April when 1,000s of Pacific Loons and Surf Scoter may pass by every hour.
Highlights: Lagoon: Herons, Egrets, Ducks, Willet, Marbled Godwit, Whimbrel, Long-billed Curlew, Belding‚s Savannah Sparrow. Rock: loons, grebes, shearwaters, scoters, jaegers, gulls, terns and alcids. White-throated Swifts and Rock Wrens resident on Mugu Rock. Mammals: Harbor Seal, Bottle-nosed Dolphin, Common Dolphin, Gray Whale in season.
Best Season: Winter, spring.
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